$$$common\components\ShopPrepare Object ( [query:common\components\ShopPrepare:private] => yii\db\Command Object ( [db] => yii\db\Connection Object ( [dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=sandalino_shop [username] => sandalino [password] => PtVM6rlZ#@! [attributes] => [pdo] => PDO Object ( ) [enableSchemaCache] => 1 [schemaCacheDuration] => 3600 [schemaCacheExclude] => Array ( ) [schemaCache] => cache [enableQueryCache] => 1 [queryCacheDuration] => 3600 [queryCache] => cache [charset] => utf8mb4 [emulatePrepare] => [tablePrefix] => shop_ [schemaMap] => Array ( [pgsql] => yii\db\pgsql\Schema [mysqli] => yii\db\mysql\Schema [mysql] => yii\db\mysql\Schema [sqlite] => yii\db\sqlite\Schema [sqlite2] => yii\db\sqlite\Schema [sqlsrv] => yii\db\mssql\Schema [oci] => yii\db\oci\Schema [mssql] => yii\db\mssql\Schema [dblib] => yii\db\mssql\Schema [cubrid] => yii\db\cubrid\Schema ) [pdoClass] => [commandClass] => yii\db\Command [commandMap] => Array ( [pgsql] => yii\db\Command [mysqli] => yii\db\Command [mysql] => yii\db\Command [sqlite] => yii\db\sqlite\Command [sqlite2] => yii\db\sqlite\Command [sqlsrv] => yii\db\Command [oci] => yii\db\Command [mssql] => yii\db\Command [dblib] => yii\db\Command [cubrid] => yii\db\Command ) [enableSavepoint] => 1 [serverStatusCache] => cache [serverRetryInterval] => 600 [enableSlaves] => 1 [slaves] => Array ( ) [slaveConfig] => Array ( ) [masters] => Array ( ) [masterConfig] => Array ( ) [shuffleMasters] => 1 [enableLogging] => 1 [enableProfiling] => 1 [_transaction:yii\db\Connection:private] => [_schema:yii\db\Connection:private] => yii\db\mysql\Schema Object ( [columnSchemaClass] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema [_oldMysql:yii\db\mysql\Schema:private] => [typeMap] => Array ( [tinyint] => tinyint [bit] => integer [smallint] => smallint [mediumint] => integer [int] => integer [integer] => integer [bigint] => bigint [float] => float [double] => double [real] => float [decimal] => decimal [numeric] => decimal [tinytext] => text [mediumtext] => text [longtext] => text [longblob] => binary [blob] => binary [text] => text [varchar] => string [string] => string [char] => char [datetime] => datetime [year] => date [date] => date [time] => time [timestamp] => timestamp [enum] => string [varbinary] => binary [json] => json ) [tableQuoteCharacter:protected] => ` [columnQuoteCharacter:protected] => ` [db] => yii\db\Connection Object *RECURSION* [defaultSchema] => [exceptionMap] => Array ( [SQLSTATE[23] => yii\db\IntegrityException ) [_schemaNames:yii\db\Schema:private] => [_tableNames:yii\db\Schema:private] => Array ( ) [_tableMetadata:yii\db\Schema:private] => Array ( [shop_social] => Array ( [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object ( [schemaName] => [name] => shop_social [fullName] => shop_social [primaryKey] => Array ( [0] => id ) [sequenceName] => [foreignKeys] => Array ( ) [columns] => Array ( [id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => 1 [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [soc_type] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => soc_type [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image_base] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image_base [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [gps] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => gps [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(40) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 40 [precision] => 40 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [phone] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => phone [allowNull] => 1 [type] => text [phpType] => string [dbType] => text [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => [precision] => [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [phone_viber] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => phone_viber [allowNull] => 1 [type] => text [phpType] => string [dbType] => text [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => [precision] => [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [email] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => email [allowNull] => 1 [type] => text [phpType] => string [dbType] => text [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => [precision] => [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [instagram] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => instagram [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [youtube] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => youtube [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [facebook] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => facebook [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [telegram] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => telegram [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [position] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => position [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [default] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => default [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [visible] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => visible [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 1 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [map_link] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => map_link [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(512) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 512 [precision] => 512 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [region_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => region_id [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [city_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => city_id [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [viber] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => viber [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) ) ) ) [shop_social_translation] => Array ( [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object ( [schemaName] => [name] => shop_social_translation [fullName] => shop_social_translation [primaryKey] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => language ) [sequenceName] => [foreignKeys] => Array ( [fk_social_lang] => Array ( [0] => shop_social [item_id] => id ) ) [columns] => Array ( [item_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => item_id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [language] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => language [allowNull] => [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(16) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 16 [precision] => 16 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [title] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => title [allowNull] => [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [data] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => data [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [city] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => city [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) ) ) ) [shop_social_images] => Array ( [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object ( [schemaName] => [name] => shop_social_images [fullName] => shop_social_images [primaryKey] => Array ( [0] => id ) [sequenceName] => [foreignKeys] => Array ( [fk_social_images] => Array ( [0] => shop_social [social_id] => id ) ) [columns] => Array ( [id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => 1 [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [social_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => social_id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image [allowNull] => [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image_base] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image_base [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [name] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => name [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [order] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => order [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [created_at] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => created_at [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) ) ) ) [shop_page] => Array ( [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object ( [schemaName] => [name] => shop_page [fullName] => shop_page [primaryKey] => Array ( [0] => id ) [sequenceName] => [foreignKeys] => Array ( ) [columns] => Array ( [id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => 1 [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [parent_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => parent_id [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [slug] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => slug [allowNull] => [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(2048) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 2048 [precision] => 2048 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [view] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => view [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image_base] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image_base [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [created_at] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => created_at [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [updated_at] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => updated_at [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [page_type] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => page_type [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [visible] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => visible [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 1 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) ) ) ) [shop_page_translation] => Array ( [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object ( [schemaName] => [name] => shop_page_translation [fullName] => shop_page_translation [primaryKey] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => language ) [sequenceName] => [foreignKeys] => Array ( [fk_page_translation_page] => Array ( [0] => shop_page [item_id] => id ) ) [columns] => Array ( [item_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => item_id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [language] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => language [allowNull] => [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(16) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 16 [precision] => 16 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [title] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => title [allowNull] => [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [short_desc] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => short_desc [allowNull] => 1 [type] => text [phpType] => string [dbType] => text [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => [precision] => [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [description] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => description [allowNull] => 1 [type] => text [phpType] => string [dbType] => text [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => [precision] => [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [meta_title] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => meta_title [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [meta_key] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => meta_key [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [meta_description] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => meta_description [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) ) ) ) [shop_product] => Array ( [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object ( [schemaName] => [name] => shop_product [fullName] => shop_product [primaryKey] => Array ( [0] => id ) [sequenceName] => [foreignKeys] => Array ( ) [columns] => Array ( [id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => id [allowNull] => [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => 1 [autoIncrement] => 1 [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [slug] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => slug [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [model] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => model [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(100) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 100 [precision] => 100 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [filter_type] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => filter_type [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [quantity] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => quantity [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [in_home] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => in_home [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [price] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => price [allowNull] => 1 [type] => decimal [phpType] => string [dbType] => decimal(10,2) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 10 [precision] => 10 [scale] => 2 [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [old_price] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => old_price [allowNull] => 1 [type] => decimal [phpType] => string [dbType] => decimal(10,2) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 10 [precision] => 10 [scale] => 2 [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [image_base] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => image_base [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(255) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 255 [precision] => 255 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [viewed] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => viewed [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [created_at] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => created_at [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [updated_at] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => updated_at [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [main_catalog] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => main_catalog [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sync_id] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sync_id [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(36) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 36 [precision] => 36 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sync_parent] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sync_parent [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(36) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 36 [precision] => 36 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [visible] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => visible [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 1 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sticker] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sticker [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(200) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 200 [precision] => 200 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sex] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sex [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(200) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 200 [precision] => 200 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sync_sort] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sync_sort [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [discount_enabled] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => discount_enabled [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [discount] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => discount [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [is_old_style] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => is_old_style [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 1 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [status] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => status [allowNull] => 1 [type] => integer [phpType] => integer [dbType] => int(11) [defaultValue] => 1 [enumValues] => [size] => 11 [precision] => 11 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [in_google] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => in_google [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [insta_check] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => insta_check [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [opt_price] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => opt_price [allowNull] => 1 [type] => decimal [phpType] => string [dbType] => decimal(10,2) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 10 [precision] => 10 [scale] => 2 [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [is_additional] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => is_additional [allowNull] => 1 [type] => tinyint [phpType] => integer [dbType] => tinyint(3) [defaultValue] => 0 [enumValues] => [size] => 3 [precision] => 3 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [xml_price] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => xml_price [allowNull] => 1 [type] => decimal [phpType] => string [dbType] => decimal(10,2) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 10 [precision] => 10 [scale] => 2 [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [article] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => article [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(100) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 100 [precision] => 100 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sync_code] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sync_code [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(36) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 36 [precision] => 36 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [sync_id_2] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => sync_id_2 [allowNull] => 1 [type] => string [phpType] => string [dbType] => varchar(36) [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => 36 [precision] => 36 [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) [youtube] => yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Object ( [disableJsonSupport] => [name] => youtube [allowNull] => 1 [type] => text [phpType] => string [dbType] => text [defaultValue] => [enumValues] => [size] => [precision] => [scale] => [isPrimaryKey] => [autoIncrement] => [unsigned] => [comment] => ) ) ) ) ) [_builder:yii\db\Schema:private] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object ( [typeMap] => Array ( [pk] => int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY [upk] => int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY [bigpk] => bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY [ubigpk] => bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY [char] => char(1) [string] => varchar(255) [text] => text [tinyint] => tinyint(3) [smallint] => smallint(6) [integer] => int(11) [bigint] => bigint(20) [float] => float [double] => double [decimal] => decimal(10,0) [date] => date [binary] => blob [boolean] => tinyint(1) [money] => decimal(19,4) [json] => json [datetime] => datetime(0) [timestamp] => timestamp(0) [time] => time(0) ) [db] => yii\db\Connection Object *RECURSION* [separator] => [conditionBuilders:protected] => Array ( ) [conditionClasses:protected] => Array ( [NOT] => yii\db\conditions\NotCondition [AND] => yii\db\conditions\AndCondition [OR] => yii\db\conditions\OrCondition [BETWEEN] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition [NOT BETWEEN] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition [IN] => yii\db\conditions\InCondition [NOT IN] => yii\db\conditions\InCondition [LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition [NOT LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition [OR LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition [OR NOT LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition [EXISTS] => yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition [NOT EXISTS] => yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition ) [expressionBuilders:protected] => Array ( [yii\db\Query] => yii\db\QueryExpressionBuilder [yii\db\PdoValue] => yii\db\PdoValueBuilder [yii\db\Expression] => yii\db\ExpressionBuilder Object ( [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder [yii\db\conditions\NotCondition] => yii\db\conditions\NotConditionBuilder [yii\db\conditions\AndCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder Object ( [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\OrCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder Object ( [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenConditionBuilder [yii\db\conditions\InCondition] => yii\db\conditions\InConditionBuilder Object ( [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition] => yii\db\conditions\LikeConditionBuilder Object ( [escapingReplacements:protected] => Array ( [%] => \% [_] => \_ [\] => \\ ) [escapeCharacter:protected] => [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ExistsConditionBuilder [yii\db\conditions\SimpleCondition] => yii\db\conditions\SimpleConditionBuilder Object ( [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\HashCondition] => yii\db\conditions\HashConditionBuilder Object ( [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder Object *RECURSION* ) [yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsCondition] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsConditionBuilder [yii\db\JsonExpression] => yii\db\mysql\JsonExpressionBuilder ) ) [_serverVersion:yii\db\Schema:private] => ) [_driverName:yii\db\Connection:private] => mysql [_master:yii\db\Connection:private] => [_slave:yii\db\Connection:private] => [_queryCacheInfo:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array ( ) [_quotedTableNames:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array ( [{{%system_redirect}}] => {{%system_redirect}} [%system_redirect] => `%system_redirect` [{{%infoline}}] => {{%infoline}} [{{%infoline_translation}}] => {{%infoline_translation}} [%infoline] => `%infoline` [%infoline_translation] => `%infoline_translation` [{{%catalog}}] => {{%catalog}} [{{%catalog_translation}}] => {{%catalog_translation}} [%catalog] => `%catalog` [%catalog_translation] => `%catalog_translation` [{{%social}}] => {{%social}} [{{%social_translation}}] => {{%social_translation}} [%social] => `%social` [%social_translation] => `%social_translation` [{{%social_images}}] => {{%social_images}} [%social_images] => `%social_images` [{{%page}}] => {{%page}} [%page] => `%page` [{{%page_translation}}] => {{%page_translation}} [%page_translation] => `%page_translation` [{{%filter}}] => {{%filter}} [{{%filter_translation}}] => {{%filter_translation}} [%filter] => `%filter` [%filter_translation] => `%filter_translation` [{{%product}}] => {{%product}} [{{%product_translation}}] => {{%product_translation}} [{{%size}}] => {{%size}} [%product] => `%product` [%product_filter] => `%product_filter` [%product_translation] => `%product_translation` [%size] => `%size` [{{%product_images}}] => {{%product_images}} [%product_images] => `%product_images` [{{%filter_group}}] => {{%filter_group}} [{{%filter_group_items}}] => {{%filter_group_items}} [%filter_group] => `%filter_group` [%filter_group_items] => `%filter_group_items` [{{%product_filter}}] => {{%product_filter}} [{{%product_filter_translation}}] => {{%product_filter_translation}} [%product_filter_translation] => `%product_filter_translation` [{{%product_joined}}] => {{%product_joined}} [%product_joined] => `%product_joined` [{{%sale}}] => {{%sale}} [{{%sale_translation}}] => {{%sale_translation}} [%sale] => `%sale` [%sale_translation] => `%sale_translation` [{{%sale_items}}] => {{%sale_items}} [%sale_items] => `%sale_items` [{{%system_settings}}] => {{%system_settings}} [%system_settings] => `%system_settings` ) [_quotedColumnNames:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array ( [link] => `link` [{{%infoline}}.*] => {{%infoline}}.* [{{%infoline_translation}}.language] => {{%infoline_translation}}.`language` [start_at] => `start_at` [stop_at] => `stop_at` [{{%infoline}}.visible] => {{%infoline}}.`visible` [id] => `id` [item_id] => `item_id` [parent_id] => `parent_id` [title] => `title` [image] => `image` [slug] => `slug` [position] => `position` [is_menu] => `is_menu` [visible_in_header] => `visible_in_header` [visible_in_footer] => `visible_in_footer` [subcategory_type] => `subcategory_type` [is_spotlight_menu] => `is_spotlight_menu` [sticker] => `sticker` [meta_title] => `meta_title` [meta_key] => `meta_key` [meta_accusative] => `meta_accusative` [meta_multiple] => `meta_multiple` [meta_description] => `meta_description` [description] => `description` [is_old_style] => `is_old_style` [sync_id] => `sync_id` [is_popular] => `is_popular` [{{%catalog_translation}}.language] => {{%catalog_translation}}.`language` [{{%catalog}}.visible] => {{%catalog}}.`visible` [{{%catalog}}.parent_id] => {{%catalog}}.`parent_id` [{{%catalog}}.position] => {{%catalog}}.`position` [{{%social}}.*] => {{%social}}.* [{{%social_translation}}.language] => {{%social_translation}}.`language` [visible] => `visible` [default] => `default` [social_id] => `social_id` [{{%filter_translation}}.language] => {{%filter_translation}}.`language` [{{%product}}.id] => {{%product}}.`id` [price] => `price` [quantity] => `quantity` [main_catalog] => `main_catalog` [{{%product}}.visible] => {{%product}}.`visible` [ordID] => `ordID` [{{%size}}.position] => {{%size}}.`position` [product_id] => `product_id` [size_id] => `size_id` [qty] => `qty` [{{%product}}.*] => {{%product}}.* [{{%product_translation}}.language] => {{%product_translation}}.`language` [*] => * [{{%filter_group}}.position] => {{%filter_group}}.`position` [{{%filter_group_items}}.position] => {{%filter_group_items}}.`position` [group_id] => `group_id` [{{%product_filter_translation}}.language] => {{%product_filter_translation}}.`language` [joined_id] => `joined_id` [color] => `color` [status] => `status` [{{%product_joined}}.position] => {{%product_joined}}.`position` [{{%size}}.visible] => {{%size}}.`visible` [{{%sale}}.id] => {{%sale}}.`id` [{{%sale_translation}}.translate_title] => {{%sale_translation}}.`translate_title` [percent] => `percent` [{{%sale_translation}}.language] => {{%sale_translation}}.`language` [{{%sale}}.stop_at] => {{%sale}}.`stop_at` [{{%product}}.sync_id] => {{%product}}.`sync_id` [key] => `key` [value] => `value` [filter_id] => `filter_id` ) [_events:yii\base\Component:private] => Array ( ) [_eventWildcards:yii\base\Component:private] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:yii\base\Component:private] => Array ( ) ) [pdoStatement] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT `shop_sale`.`id`, `title`, `shop_sale_translation`.`translate_title`, `start_at`, `stop_at`, `percent` FROM `shop_sale` LEFT JOIN `shop_sale_translation` ON (`shop_sale`.`id` = `shop_sale_translation`.`item_id`) AND (`shop_sale_translation`.`language`=:qp0) WHERE (`visible`=:qp1) AND (`shop_sale`.`stop_at` > :qp2) ORDER BY `stop_at` ) [fetchMode] => 2 [params] => Array ( [:qp0] => uk-UA [:qp1] => 1 [:qp2] => 1719511039 ) [queryCacheDuration] => [queryCacheDependency] => [_pendingParams:yii\db\Command:private] => Array ( ) [_sql:yii\db\Command:private] => SELECT `shop_sale`.`id`, `title`, `shop_sale_translation`.`translate_title`, `start_at`, `stop_at`, `percent` FROM `shop_sale` LEFT JOIN `shop_sale_translation` ON (`shop_sale`.`id` = `shop_sale_translation`.`item_id`) AND (`shop_sale_translation`.`language`=:qp0) WHERE (`visible`=:qp1) AND (`shop_sale`.`stop_at` > :qp2) ORDER BY `stop_at` [_refreshTableName:yii\db\Command:private] => [_isolationLevel:yii\db\Command:private] => [_retryHandler:yii\db\Command:private] => [_events:yii\base\Component:private] => Array ( ) [_eventWildcards:yii\base\Component:private] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:yii\base\Component:private] => ) [indexKey:common\components\ShopPrepare:private] => [objectKey:common\components\ShopPrepare:private] => [catalog:common\components\ShopPrepare:private] => Array ( [id] => 25 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Балетки [image] => catalog/1/q5U4SWt2W8MGNGxLIOomAl4lJyPvPqfl.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-baletki [position] => 45 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Купити балетки жіночі недорого в Україні | інтернет-магазин SANDALINO [sync_id] => 9 [meta_key] => балетки жіночі [meta_accusative] => балетки жіночі [meta_multiple] => жіночіх балеток [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Жіночі балетки в інтернет-магазині взуття №1 SANDALINO. ✓ Відправка в день замовлення. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні (Київ, Харків, Дніпро, Одеса). ✓ Низькі ціни. [description] => [is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 1 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv/zhenskie-baletki [parents] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) ) [parentCatalog:common\components\ShopPrepare:private] => Array ( [id] => 1 [parent_id] => 0 [title] => Жіноче взуття [image] => catalog/1/F8hh-FAo1KNZruNrSzi8NshyEnfoKTDT.jpg [slug] => zhenskaya-obuv [position] => 308 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 1 [visible_in_footer] => 1 [subcategory_type] => 0 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Жіноче взуття. Купити жіноче взуття недорого в інтернет-магазині - SANDALINO [sync_id] => 1 [meta_key] => жіноче взуття [meta_accusative] => жіноче взуття [meta_multiple] => жіночого взуття [meta_description] => Інтернет-магазин жіночого взуття №1 SANDALINO. Купити жіноче взуття з доставкою по всій Україні (Київ, Харків, Дніпро, Одеса). Якісні фото взуття. Широкий асортимент. [description] =>

*в розмірі можлива похибка +/- 2 мм

[is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 0 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv [parents] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 31 [2] => 26 [3] => 33 [4] => 43 [5] => 45 [6] => 188 [7] => 9 [8] => 13 [9] => 237 [10] => 30 [11] => 11 [12] => 224 [13] => 40 [14] => 37 [15] => 44 [16] => 187 ) [items] => Array ( [31] => Array ( [id] => 26 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Кросівки [image] => catalog/1/W0imwB9DCMYKQpYqCqtrpZN0IOyTfpHk.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-krossovki [position] => 164 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Жіночі кросівки всіх розмірів. Купити жіночі кросівки недорого в Україні. | SANDALINO.UA [sync_id] => 31 [meta_key] => жіночі кросівки, жіноче взуття, кросівки сандаліно [meta_accusative] => жіночі кросівки [meta_multiple] => жіночіх кросівок [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Кросівки для жінок і дівчат в магазині взуття №1 SANDALINO.UA. Повернення 14 днів. Ноложений платіж. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні. Київ, Львів, Дніпро, Харків. [description] => [is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 1 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv/zhenskie-krossovki [parents] => Array ( [0] => 31 ) ) [26] => Array ( [id] => 27 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Кеди [image] => catalog/1/fHS1t-V2deC7-DkyAlMookqD-5OItBnJ.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-kedu [position] => 52 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Купити жіночі кеди недорого в Україні (Київ) - SANDALINO [sync_id] => 26 [meta_key] => жіночі кеди [meta_accusative] => жіночі кеди [meta_multiple] => жіночіх кедів [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Жіночі кеди в інтернет-магазині взуття №1 SANDALINO. ✓ Відправка в день замовлення. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні (Київ, Харків, Дніпро, Одеса). ✓ Низькі ціни. ✓ Широкий асортимент. [description] => [is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 1 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv/zhenskie-kedu [parents] => Array ( [0] => 26 ) ) [33] => Array ( [id] => 35 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Мокасини [image] => catalog/1/kyzF-AmJQdV-7iZJqdYc8Jd0Wgn8wteL.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-mokasinu [position] => 51 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Мокасини жіночі. Купити жіночі мокасини дешево в інтернет-магазині - SANDALINO [sync_id] => 33 [meta_key] => жіночі мокасини [meta_accusative] => жіночі мокасини [meta_multiple] => [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Доступні ціни на жіночі мокасини в інтернет-магазині взуття №1 SANDALINO. ✓ Відправка в день замовлення. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні (Київ, Харків, Дніпро, Одеса). ✓Шірокий асортимент [description] => [is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 1 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv/zhenskie-mokasinu [parents] => Array ( [0] => 33 ) ) [43] => Array ( [id] => 38 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Туфлі [image] => catalog/1/Air_nC5wc9TNAGoGGT_ujsD7tQs3rjdi.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-tufli [position] => 50 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Туфлі жіночі. Купити недорого жіночі туфлі в Україні - SANDALINO [sync_id] => 43 [meta_key] => туфлі жіночі [meta_accusative] => туфлі жіночі [meta_multiple] => [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Краща ціна на жіночі туфлі в інтернет-магазині взуття №1 SANDALINO. Купити туфлі на підборах, платформі, на низькому ходу. ✓ Відправка в день замовлення. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні. ✓ Фото [description] => [is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 1 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv/zhenskie-tufli [parents] => Array ( [0] => 43 ) ) [45] => Array ( [id] => 29 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Шльопанці [image] => catalog/1/YU2d5XsRV6JyQ8wwu_DMBjZzs71HVoXu.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-shlepancu [position] => 49 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Шльопанці жіночі купити в Україні, шльопанці жіночі недорого - інтернет-магазин SANDALINO [sync_id] => 45 [meta_key] => жіночі шльопанці [meta_accusative] => жіночі шльопанці [meta_multiple] => жіночіх шльопанців [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Кращі ціни на шльопанці жіночі в інтернет-магазині взуття №1 SANDALINO. ✓ Відправка в день замовлення. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні (Київ, Харків, Дніпро, Одеса). 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Купити жіночі крокси недорого в Україні - SANDALINO [sync_id] => 30 [meta_key] => жіночі крокси [meta_accusative] => жіночі крокси [meta_multiple] => [meta_description] => ❱❱❱ Інтернет-магазин взуття №1 SANDALINO пропонує крокси жіночі за доступними цінами. ✈ Доставка по всій Україні (Київ, Львів, Харків, Дніпро, Одесса). ✓ Відправка в день замовлення. [description] => [is_old_style] => 1 [is_popular] => 0 [url] => /zhenskaya-obuv/kroksu-30 [parents] => Array ( [0] => 30 ) ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 30 [parent_id] => 1 [title] => Босоніжки [image] => catalog/1/4pIdVFX6SSO0OTT3-LPz3RHqBz3GcbZg.jpg [slug] => zhenskie-bosonozhki [position] => 40 [is_menu] => 0 [visible_in_header] => 0 [visible_in_footer] => 0 [subcategory_type] => 3 [is_spotlight_menu] => 0 [sticker] => "" [meta_title] => Босоніжки жіночі. 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